EP. 184
July 23, 2021
Three Strikes & You’re Out! Google Ads Plays Hardball With Advertisers
This week on Marketing O’ Clock, the summer go core updates continues as the Google July 2021 Core Update roll out is finally complete. Plus, Twitter tells fleets to fly home, the temporary tweet feature will be removed August 3rd.
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This image just got popped for "partial nudity." Will the appeal button work? Film at 11. #googleads #ppcchat pic.twitter.com/CZPssur8Hf
— David Kyle (@DavidKyle) July 21, 2021
SEO tools are great for surfacing keyword & content opportunities based on existing data (ranking URLs, monthly search volumes, etc.)
Where they fall short - and will always fall short - is being able to provide guidance on *actual subject matter expertise.*
— Lily Ray 😏 (@lilyraynyc) July 19, 2021
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