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EP. 124

May 29, 2020

Chalk it up to Page Experience: Google Announces Upcoming Ranking Factor.

In this week's digital marketing news, Google's Page Experience update is on the way but don't panic, Discovery Ads take inspiration from social media, retail category reporting explains differences between search and shop, IGTVs monetization combo comes with a large badge and a side of ads, and chicken cults takeover TikTok.

Take of the Week hashtag Fire


Search Engine Intent

Has Google Search gotten less accurate?

ICYMI, something that you just might not have seen

Robots.txt status code consequences






Step Chickens and the Rise of TikTok ‘Cults’


Burn Your Slacks [54:40]


Put Your Slacks Back On [55:03]


Can't Miss List [56:05]


Show Notes [56:30]


Shut Up And Take Money [57:04]


Extra Extra Spice Served Up For You [58:13]


Make My Persona


112 Google Ads Callout Extensions Examples for B2B Advertisers


The World Has Learned the True Man Behind the Nodding Guy Meme