EP. 170
April 16, 2021
5 Stars for Google's New Algo Update: The Product Review Update
Regex data filtering comes to Search Console, Microsoft Ads is feeling like the MAN as it debuts a fistful of features, and we weigh in on a conversation over platforms, algorithms, and the users who shape them.
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How to waste your daily time: turn a perfect, instant access location report available in one click in every campaign (user position report) into a bloated location report in the #googleads Report tab. #ppcchat
— bastien (@bastien31) April 14, 2021
Want a surprise?
Use existing post > Select post > instead of choosing Facebook or Instagram try 'Branded Content'
Nothing there? Client needs to up their influencer game BUT you can still head to the tagged posts section of their IG and get permission to use those 👌🏽
— Gil David (@Gil_RunDMG) April 13, 2021
We'll send the dozens of articles in the lightning round and absolutely everything that we covered this week!
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